SQLServerCentral.com - Featured Site!!
It's not often that we toot our horn, but SQLServerCentral.com was chosen as the feature site by GotDotNet.com, one of Microsoft's premier .Net sites. Check it out!
1,250 reads
It's not often that we toot our horn, but SQLServerCentral.com was chosen as the feature site by GotDotNet.com, one of Microsoft's premier .Net sites. Check it out!
1,250 reads
Microsoft began taking sign ups for participation in the SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 program this week at its Microsoft TechEd show here as the long-awaited test version of the product gets close to availability.
3,783 reads
Apex SQL Tools has released Apex SQL Edit 3.0, database Tools for database editing. Apex SQL Edit is an integrated development environment (IDE) for SQL Server including powerful editing capabilities, deployment capabilities, full integration with Visual Source safe as well as SQL Server Reporting services and much more.
539 reads
Microsoft Corp. is planning to deliver updates to its Exchange Server product every two years and is considering a similar move to deliver SQL Server updates in a more timely manner, company officials said at the TechEd 2004 conference.
3,793 reads
Quest Central® for SQL Server is an integrated database management solution designed to enable administrators to manage complex database environments and simplify everyday tasks. Quest Central for SQL Server provides DBAs with a set of tools to achieve higher levels of availability and reliability, leverage and extend native SQL Server administration capabilities, and adds multi-server and change management capabilities to make database management easier.
649 reads
Apex SQL Tools has released Apex SQL Script 3.0, database Tools for database scripting. Apex SQL Script scripts both database structures (tables, views etc) as well as database data, which it converts to insert
scripts. The new release has a completely redesigned user interface, faster database scripting engine and many more database scripting options.
518 reads
Here's a little replacement for Query Analyzer that appears to provide most of the functions, plus a few more. While we haven't given it a full review, at first glance it appears to do the job. Plus there's NO INSTALL!!!! Always a plus for me.
760 reads
Another look at how the next version of SQL Server will integrate and work with .NET technologies.
744 reads
Lumigent Technologies today announced that they are a recommended supplier to provide data auditing solutions for risk management to customers of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 through their Entegra product. Enterprises that depend on SQL Server databases can now rely on Entegra as a trusted auditing solution to enable compliance with regulatory requirements.
540 reads
What's wrong with SQL Server? Lots of things to some people, but here's a look at where this product is positioned in the marketplace against the other RDBMSes.
3,770 reads
By Patrick
SQL Server Audit is an efficient way to track and log events that occur...
I presented at SQL Saturday Pittshburgh this past weekend about populating your data warehouse...
By Steve Jones
A customer was asking recently about the RPO for their estate, and I showed...
I am trying to access LocalDB 2012 on my Windows 7 SP1 PC. I...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Modern Algorithm of Chance
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Use Logic Apps To Save...
I have this data in my Customer table:
CustomerID CustomerName 1 Steve 2 Andy 3 Brian 4 Allen 5 DevinI run this code:
SELECT t.CustomerID , c.value FROM ( SELECT CustomerID , STRING_AGG (CustomerName, ',') AS me FROM customer GROUP BY CustomerID) t CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(me, ',') c;What is returned? See possible answers