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SOA, Multi-Tier Architectures and Logic in the Database

If you are a developer creating Web services, a webmaster creating database-enabled pages or a database administrator (DBA) tuning SQL queries for a 24x7 web site, you've probably experienced the phenomenon known as "web time." The computer industry has never been quiet, but recent years have been particularly frenetic. The popularity of the web produced a flurry of software-development activity. New versions, new technologies, and new products appeared seemingly overnight. Web time became a useful phrase for describing compressed development cycles between new product releases and documentation that is obsolete before it arrives from the printer.


2,125 reads

External Article

How to Asynchronously Execute a DTS package from ASP or ASP.NET

The Data Trasformation Services are a powerful tool, and sometime its features are so useful that you’d like to invoke a DTS package not only from SQL Server but from an external program.

To do this you have several choices: you can use the DTSRun.exe tool or you can do it leveraging the SQL-DMO features.

Unfortunately if you’re developing a web application (ASP, ASP.Net or whatever you use) none of them seems to be the right choice: too much problems, too much effort and a very modest results. In addition none of these solutions can be called asynchronously: if you just need to implement a “fire-and-forget” technique, you just cannot do that!


2,663 reads

Technical Article


A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) was approached by the CEO and asked for an accounting of the company’s financial assets. The CFO gave a vague response indicating a lack of knowledge of the corporate bank accounts, had little idea what was in each account, and had no idea about the status of accounts receivable. The Board of Directors asked the CEO about the intended use of the corporate assets and were told “there is no plan for their use.” The CFO and the CEO were soon pursuing new personal interests.


2,209 reads

Technical Article


Recently, I began a Data Modeling “Master Class” by asking participants to nominate the toughest challenges facing them in their professional work. Virtually all the responses were about “soft” or “political” issues: persuading project teams to include a data modeling phase, negotiating territory with database technicians, gaining access to business people, and, of course, staying employed. No mention of normalization, star schemas, time-dependent data, exploiting new DBMS features, choice of language or indeed anything remotely technical


2,661 reads

Technical Article


Over the past few years, I’ve had the opportunity to discuss enterprise metadata to a wide variety of audiences and much of this conversation is captured in this “Best Practices” implementation framework. The model has evolved over the past few years as our program continues to do the same. Of course, this summary can only be a few pages long so the depth of the content here will be a tad shallow but you should be able to get the basics from the diagram and the description that follows. Figure 1 provides the new framework and the content follows to describe each section.


1,821 reads

External Article

An interview with Ken Henderson

I have never met Ken Henderson, but I have followed his career, read his books, and even reviewed one or two of them for Dr. Dobb’s Journal. When I first saw Ken’s The Guru’s Guide to Transact SQL I almost did not pick it up. As a general rule, I don’t pick up the guru’s guide to anything. I’m glad I overcame this, since the book is little short of amazing.

Ken surprised me again with his latest book, The Guru’s Guide to SQL Server Architecture and Internals . About 400 pages into it, I was impressed by the introduction to what is involved in creating a server-based application, but wondered about its inclusion in a SQL Server book. The next 400 pages made it clear that understanding how servers work on Windows is critical to understanding the implications of how SQL Server runs.


2,847 reads

Technical Article


Many errors and accidents are made/caused by misunderstandings of the meanings of terms used.

How many times have you been in a meeting when the words you heard being said did not match what you thought they were?

Many business decisions are made (and later regretted) due to a misunderstanding of the data, and what the data element used in a report is signifying. Some of these accidents and misunderstandings are large enough to be reported in the media. In prior papers I refer to the Mars Lander episode, where the unit of measure was assumed and not made explicit, miscalculations were made and the equipment was lost. Our businesses are filled with many such examples, although not as costly perhaps, are still quite impactful to the business.


2,414 reads


A Little Brainstorming with an AI


I was asked to do some a little thinking and brainstorming recently. Rather than...

The Mysterious Empty Table


It seems like no matter how long you work with a system beyond a...

Choosing to not drive the Tesla


I started a short thread on Twitter/X and Bluesky recently after leaving the Tesla...

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tabular model processed but wont deploy

By stan

hi i imported a tabular model from production into vs 2022,  changed the data...

Services SqlServer and SqlServerAgent don't start. How resolve??

By gpezzella

Hi I have just installed again on win 11 sql server express 2022 with...

Understanding Bit Manipulation Functions: BIT_COUNT, GET_BIT, and SET_BIT in SQL Server 2022

By Noman072

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Understanding Bit Manipulation Functions: BIT_COUNT,...

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Question of the Day

Mixed Backups

I have a complex database with a few filegroups and files. Can I run a backup command like this? (assume file/filegroup names are valid).

    FILE = N'thirdone'
 ,  FILE = N'thirdtwo'
 ,  FILEGROUP = N'second' 
 TO  DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL16.SQL2022\MSSQL\Backup\complex.bak' 
 WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N'complex-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10

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