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Practical SQL Server 2005 CLR Assemblies

One advantage of CLR assemblies is the ability to consume web services from within the database. This wouldn’t be easy with T-SQL, and would also require a lot of work in an unmanaged extended stored procedure. With .NET, it’s almost as simple as accessing a local DLL. There are just a couple of extra command-line utilities we need to run to be able to access web services from within a SQL assembly:


3,849 reads

External Article

Try/Catch Block in SQL Server 2005

Server 2005 now supports a more programmable error trapping convention in T-SQL code. This error handling is known as the TRY/CATCH block. The TRY/CATCH block allows T-SQL to handling errors like other programming languages, such as Microsoft Visual C# and C++. In addition to the TRY/CATCH block, Microsoft has expanded the set of available system functions in SQL Server 2005 for returning error codes and messages when an error occurs in your T-SQL code. This article will explore the new TRY/CATCH block and explain the new system functions for returning error codes and messages.


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External Article

SQL Server and .NET Training and Career Development

In the past, it was common for an employer to work with their employees and pay to keep their skills current. While this still happens, in this age of high employee (and employer) turnover, many companies are more circumspect about how much they will spend to keep their employees keep up-to-date. At the end of the day, it is your responsibility to make sure this happens and there are many good reasons why you should strive to do so and many ways in which you can do it.


3,546 reads


Attacking the Weakest Link


When I look at a system and think about its security model, the first...

Webinar – Microsoft Fabric for Dummies


On Wednesday May 15th 2024 I will give a free webinar on about...

Migrate datetime data to datetimeoffset with AT TIME ZONE


I recently reviewed, worked on, and added a similar example to the DATETIMEOFFSET Microsoft...

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Extend Event with sqlserver.login

By Ken McKelvey

My knowledge of Extended Events is limited, but I am trying to capture some...

ghost backups processed 0 pages

By Snargables

I've got something I'm not aware of performing backups of my dbs at random...

Stored Procedures - passed string than variable length

By Arthur Kirchner

Dear all, I was just wondering: Can you change the default behaviour as illustrated...

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Question of the Day

The Backup File Extension

I run this command in SQL Server 2022. What is the extension of the backup file?

BACKUP DATABASE HerdofTwo TO DISK = 'HerdOfTwo_20240501'

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