
SQLServerCentral Article

Performance Tuning Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are a great way to encapsulate code and reuse it in many places in your application. But when you have a performance issue, how do you know which part of the stored procedure is giving you problems? Steve Jones takes a look at a few techniques for diving into stored procedures and identifying problem areas.

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Technical Article

Using DDL Database Triggers

In this short demonstration, you'll learn how to use DDL database triggers to prevent changes to product and audit changes to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley and other change management requirements. Free registration required.


3,395 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

How many more Mondays until I retire?

Depending on your age, you may not want to know this number, but as you advance in your career, this might be a problem that you look to solve one day. Peter Larsson takes a few minutes to work out a function in T-SQL that can be used to solve this or any similar question.

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SQLServerCentral Article

SQL Prompt IntelliSense for SQL Server

Visual Studio developers have enjoyed the benefits of intellisense for some time, but us SQL Server users have had to work from memory. Wayne Fillis was so enthralled with a new offering from Red Gate he wrote a short review and sent it in. Check out his thoughts and how this product can help you.

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External Article

Transform your SQL scripts with SQL Prettifier

This article describes the "beta" version of Simple-Talk's SQL formatting tool, SQL Prettifier. It provides links both to try it out online and to download the full source code (members only). Please give us your feedback! We will be offering prizes for any fixes and improvements that make it into "v1". I'd like this to become the de-facto (excuse the pun) tool for presenting code in the Simple-Talk articles, blogs and forums.


3,062 reads


I like KQL and I like managing my test data – are they mates?


Test Data Management (TDM) is essential in software development to ensure your application runs...

Full-Text Search in SQL Server: A Comprehensive Guide


Introduction Full-Text Search in SQL Server is a feature that provides linguistic search capabilities...

Reading JSON Data with Python


Recently I’ve been looking at archiving some data at SQL Saturday. As a start,...

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The Query Traceflag

If I want to enable a trace flag for a specific query, how do I do it?

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