This Script is written to Separate First , Middle & Last Name from column which is having Fullname(Fname+MiddleName+Surname)
2007-10-02 (first published: 2002-06-20)
15,454 reads
This Script is written to Separate First , Middle & Last Name from column which is having Fullname(Fname+MiddleName+Surname)
/* Script to separate first ,Middle & last Name from FullName in one column */ USENorthwind go CREATETABLETest ( FullNameVARCHAR(40) ) INSERTINTOTest VALUES ( 'Mathew John Davis' ) /* Variables Declaration */ DECLARE @var1 INT DECLARE @var2 INT DECLARE @var3 INT /* select position for first blank space from column */ SELECT@var1=CHARINDEX(' ',FullName) FROMTest /* select first Name as follows from first position of column to first blank space */ SELECTSUBSTRING(FullName,1,@var1-1) FROMTest /* select position for second blank space from column */ select@var2=CHARINDEX(' ', SUBSTRING(FullName,@var1+1,LEN(FullName))) FROMTest /* select Middle Name as follows from position of first blank space to second blank space */ selectSUBSTRING(FullName,@var1+1,@var2-1) FROMTest /* select Last Name as rest of the string from second blank space to length of string */ SELECTSUBSTRING(FullName,@var1+@var2+1,LEN(FullName)) FROMTest