Technical Article

Generate a random password


Pretty straightforward script where you can set a variable length password to be returned. If you need long session keys, set the password length as high as 8000. I've left out special characters, commented in the code as such, to avoid confusion when trying to read -- so no more 1, l, I, 0, or O.

-- This generates a random password, defaulting to 10 characters
create procedure dbo.GetPass
 @passlen int = 10, @charset int = 2 -- 2 is alphanumeric + special characters,
 -- 1 is alphanumeric, 0 is alphabetical only
set nocount on
if (@passlen > 8000 or @passlen < 1) -- Let's not go crazy here
 select @passlen = 10

declare @password varchar(8000), @string varchar(256), @numbers varchar(10), @extra varchar(50),
 @stringlen int, @index int

-- no 1, l, I, 0, O which can cause confusion
select @string = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz' -- same as @charset = 0
select @numbers = '23456789'
select @extra = '">_!@#$%&=?<>' -- add more special characters if you want

if @charset = 2
 select @string = @string + @numbers + @extra
else if @charset = 1
 select @string = @string + @numbers
-- else assume @extra is 0 and @string is just letters. Feel free to modify these criteria as you see fit

select @stringlen = len(@string)

select @password = ''

while (@passlen > 0)
 -- For the random part here, use rand() or newid()
 select @index = (abs(checksum(newid())) % @stringlen) + 1
 select @password = @password + substring(@string, @index, 1)
 select @passlen = @passlen - 1
select @password


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