Alphanumeric and Special Character Validation
Function name: fn_ValidateString
Description : This function is used to validate whether the given string contains Alphanumeric character and some special character’s ‘@’ ,’(‘, ‘ )’, ‘_’, ‘-‘
Parameters: 1) @InputString varchar(25)
Accepts the string, which we need to validate
2) @Type int
= 0 validate the string for only alphanumeric characters
i.e Allows characters between [A-Z] ,[a-z] and [0-9]
= 1 validate the string for alphanumeric and special characters - ‘@’ ,’(‘, ‘ )’, ‘_’, ‘-‘
Return type: int
If the passed string is valid, it returns 1
Else 0
1) Select dbo.fn_ValidateString('asd(a3)3_3AAAXXX-3',0)
Return 0 – Failure
Because it contains special characters (, )
2) Select dbo.fn_ValidateString('asda333AAAXXX3',0)
Returns 1 – Success only alpha numerics
3) Select dbo.fn_ValidateString('asd(a3)3_3AAAXXX-3',1)
Return 1 – Success
4) Select dbo.fn_ValidateString('asd(a3)3_3AAAXXX-3%''^&',1)
Return 0 – Failure
Creating a PDF from a Stored Procedure in SQL Server
A short but interesting article, the author has figured out a way to create a PDF from a stored procedure without using a third party library.
2019-09-20 (first published: 2003-08-26)
72,952 reads