Technical Article

Alphanumeric and Special Character Validation- New

Alphanumeric and Special Character Validation=========================================/*Function name: fn_ValidateStringDescription : This function is used to validate whether the given string contains Alphanumeric character and some special character’s ‘@’ ,’(‘, ‘ )’, ‘_’, ‘-‘Parameters: 1) @InputString varchar(25) Accepts the string, which we need to validate 2) @Type int = 0 validate the string for only alphanumeric characters i.e […]

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2006-07-26 (first published: )

1,634 reads

Technical Article

Add users to Windows NT Group

This scripts adds the users to the specified Windows NT Group.This will be helpful if we want to give the access to group of users to a sql server, which is runing with Windows Authentication. Create a NT group and give the access on SQL and run this script it adds the user into the […]

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2005-10-10 (first published: )

473 reads

Technical Article

Script to Generate DataDictionary for Database

This Procedure is used to generate the datadistionary for a database.It gives following columns : table_id, table_name,column_order,column_name, column_description Usage: Create the Procedure in the database where the datadisctionary need to be generated.Call : Execute Generate_getDataDictionary Return the result in Tabular format.

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2005-08-12 (first published: )

540 reads

Technical Article

Alphanumeric and Special Character Validation

Alphanumeric and Special Character Validation=========================================/*Function name: fn_ValidateStringDescription : This function is used to validate whether the given string contains Alphanumeric character and some special character’s ‘@’ ,’(‘, ‘ )’, ‘_’, ‘-‘Parameters: 1) @InputString varchar(25) Accepts the string, which we need to validate 2) @Type int = 0 validate the string for only alphanumeric characters i.e […]

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T-SQL Tuesday #178–A Recent Technical Problem


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Redgate Clone Graduating Images


I wanted my own custom image in our internal Redgate Clone cluster, so I...

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Capture long transact query using SQL Server performance condition alert feature

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Adding Features During a SQL Server 2022 Upgrade

I have a SQL Server 2016 SP3 instance that I want to upgrade to SQL Server 2022. I don't have replication installed, but I want to enable this on SQL Server 2022. Can I add replication during the in-place upgrade?

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