This procedure is useful to find the dependents on a particular column in a table and deletes the dependents like 'Index','Relation ships'.This is developed in Sql Server 2005
2007-06-01 (first published: 2006-03-10)
199 reads
Alphanumeric and Special Character Validation=========================================/*Function name: fn_ValidateStringDescription : This function is used to validate whether the given string contains Alphanumeric character and some special character’s ‘@’ ,’(‘, ‘ )’, ‘_’, ‘-‘Parameters: 1) @InputString varchar(25) Accepts the string, which we need to validate 2) @Type int = 0 validate the string for only alphanumeric characters i.e […]
2006-07-26 (first published: 2004-09-15)
1,640 reads
Script used to validate whether the given email address is valide or not.
2006-03-16 (first published: 2004-09-29)
213 reads
This scripts adds the users to the specified Windows NT Group.This will be helpful if we want to give the access to group of users to a sql server, which is runing with Windows Authentication. Create a NT group and give the access on SQL and run this script it adds the user into the […]
2005-10-10 (first published: 2005-09-15)
480 reads
This scripts creates a view which will returns all the indexes and columns covered in the index for all the tables in a database.It returns only the user created indexes. Removes the statistics created on table (where indid > 0).
2005-08-24 (first published: 2005-08-23)
196 reads
This Procedure is used to generate the datadistionary for a database.It gives following columns : table_id, table_name,column_order,column_name, column_description Usage: Create the Procedure in the database where the datadisctionary need to be generated.Call : Execute Generate_getDataDictionary Return the result in Tabular format.
2005-08-12 (first published: 2005-08-05)
545 reads