Technical Article

Advanced Display Table and Column Info


During development or an investigation, I've needed to find a field by its data type, or check if a table has a trigger or even check if a field has a default value against it. 

I generally create a view with the code to store in each database, however it is attached as a basic runnable script. The script also pulls the first 10 triggers a table could have, so if you are looking for which table has a trigger this query will help also.

Hope you find it useful. 

- Advanced Display Table and Column Info
- Written by Luis Chiriff
- @ 11/12/2013 @ 13:08
select *, row_number() over (order by SchemaName, TableName, ColumnOrder) as SortID from 
(select S.Name as SchemaName, O.Name as TableName, C.Name as FieldName, C.ID as TableID, T.Name as FieldType, C.Length, C.ColOrder as ColumnOrder, C.IsNullable, C.ColStat as IsIdent, 
isnull(D.Name,'') as DefaultName, isnull(D.Definition,'') as DefaultValue, isnull(FTR.First10Triggers,'') as First10Triggers
from syscolumns C
inner join sysobjects O on =
inner join systypes T on C.xtype = T.xtype
inner join sys.schemas S on S.schema_id = O.uid
left outer join sys.default_constraints D on C.Colid = D.parent_column_id and = D.parent_object_id
left outer join (select parent_obj, replace(ISNULL(C1,'=')+', '+ISNULL(C2,'=')+', '+ISNULL(C3,'=')+', '+ISNULL(C4,'=')+', '+ISNULL(C5,'=')+', '+ISNULL(C6,'=')+', '+ISNULL(C7,'=')+', '+ISNULL(C8,'=')+', '+ISNULL(C9,'=')+', '+ISNULL(C10,'='),', =','') as First10Triggers  from ( select name, parent_obj, 'C'+cast((RANK() over (partition by parent_obj order by Name)) as varchar(2)) as MyRank from sysobjects where xtype = 'TR' ) as D pivot ( max(name) for MyRank in ([C1],[C2],[C3],[C4],[C5],[C6],[C7],[C8],[C9],[C10]) ) as data) FTR on = FTR.parent_obj
where O.XType = 'U') Data


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