Technical Article

List all permissions in all databases


This is a very simple script that will create a table variable and fill it with all the users and roles permission for each object on all the databases (can be easily changed to get the permission of only one database or custom ones). The usage is really easy, just paste it on Management Studio and execute it.

The script creates three table variables (@dbs, @permission and @objects), one for storing the databases' names (@dbs), other to store the permission (@permission) and the third for storing the databases objects (@objects).

When the script runs, it will fill the @dbs with all the databases on the server, including snapshots. Then, it'll loop through the table, using the database name, to fill the @objects table. Finally, it'll join the @objects table with the sys.database_principals and sys.database_permissions to retrieve the permission and fill the @permission table. This operation will be performed on each database on the @dbs table. In case you want to get the permission for specific databases, just change the line that inserts the databases name from the sys.databases for the custom one.

-- =============================================
-- Author: Alejandro Pelc
-- Create date: 02/19/2009
-- Description: List all DBs permission
-- =============================================
set nocount on
declare @permission table (
Database_Name sysname,
User_Role_Name sysname,
Account_Type nvarchar(60),
Action_Type nvarchar(128),
Permission nvarchar(60),
ObjectName sysname null,
Object_Type nvarchar(60)
declare @dbs table (dbname sysname)
declare @Next sysname
insert into @dbs
select name from sys.databases order by name
select top 1 @Next = dbname from @dbs
while (@@rowcount<>0)
insert into @permission
exec('use [' + @Next + ']
declare @objects table (obj_id int, obj_type char(2))
insert into @objects
select id, xtype from master.sys.sysobjects
insert into @objects
select object_id, type from sys.objects

SELECT ''' + @Next + ''', as ''User or Role Name'', a.type_desc as ''Account Type'',
d.permission_name as ''Type of Permission'', d.state_desc as ''State of Permission'',
OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(d.major_id) + ''.'' + object_name(d.major_id) as ''Object Name'',
case e.obj_type
when ''AF'' then ''Aggregate function (CLR)''
when ''C'' then ''CHECK constraint''
when ''D'' then ''DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone)''
when ''F'' then ''FOREIGN KEY constraint''
when ''PK'' then ''PRIMARY KEY constraint''
when ''P'' then ''SQL stored procedure''
when ''PC'' then ''Assembly (CLR) stored procedure''
when ''FN'' then ''SQL scalar function''
when ''FS'' then ''Assembly (CLR) scalar function''
when ''FT'' then ''Assembly (CLR) table-valued function''
when ''R'' then ''Rule (old-style, stand-alone)''
when ''RF'' then ''Replication-filter-procedure''
when ''S'' then ''System base table''
when ''SN'' then ''Synonym''
when ''SQ'' then ''Service queue''
when ''TA'' then ''Assembly (CLR) DML trigger''
when ''TR'' then ''SQL DML trigger''
when ''IF'' then ''SQL inline table-valued function''
when ''TF'' then ''SQL table-valued-function''
when ''U'' then ''Table (user-defined)''
when ''UQ'' then ''UNIQUE constraint''
when ''V'' then ''View''
when ''X'' then ''Extended stored procedure''
when ''IT'' then ''Internal table''
end as ''Object Type''
FROM [' + @Next + '].sys.database_principals a 
left join [' + @Next + '].sys.database_permissions d on a.principal_id = d.grantee_principal_id
left join @objects e on d.major_id = e.obj_id
order by, d.class_desc')
delete @dbs where dbname = @Next
select top 1 @Next = dbname from @dbs
set nocount off
select * from @permission


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