External Article

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Security

This document introduces the new security features of Microsoft SQL Server 2000. New features are outlined, and a detailed discussion is provided about how to best implement security in a Microsoft Windows 2000 domain environment. Source code examples are included for developers who want to implement the security model immediately.

External Article

HOWTO: Run Singleton SELECT Queries in a Visual Basic Client

This article demonstrates how to retrieve a single record from SQL Server by using the IRow interface with a singleton SELECT. The main purpose for this technique is to avoid the overhead of creating a recordset when you are fetching a single record. Because no recordset is actually created, only one read-only ADODB.Record is returned. This is true even if the specified SELECT results in multiple records being returned if a normal ADODB.Recordset is used.


A New Word: Amoransia


amoransia – n. the melodramatic thrill of unrequited love; the longing to pine for...

The Data API Builder Start and Add Extensions in VS Code


One of the things that I like about the Data API Builder (DAB) is...

Using OneLake for Excel Files in Microsoft Fabric


Hey data friends! This blog is to discuss an edge case I’ve run into...

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Technical Pain Behaviors

By Louis Davidson (@drsql)

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Technical Pain Behaviors

trying to call powershell from TSQL statement

By Siten0308

Hello, trying to call a powershell file I created, locally on the server, but...

Counting Bits

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Counting Bits

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Counting Bits

What does the BIT_COUNT function do in SQL Server?

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