Viewing 15 topics - 282,631 through 282,645 (of 282,868 total)
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I use MSSQL Server. I let SQL Server Agent to "Autostart when OS starts". The problem is that when …
7 replies
Please try this: 1 - use Northwind 2 - Delete FK Constraints from orderdetails table reference prod…
6 replies
Hi to all, Actually i have given a set of data files with extension .tim. My job is import that dat…
1 replies
We have made a Crystal report report with an ODBC connection to an SQL server database. We see that…
1 replies
I have been analyzing Analysis Services for a few months now and really like some of the features t…
1 replies
I am looking to export some data from SQL 6.5 for importing into SQL 2000. This works OK using Char…
11 replies
We have a single SQL Server instance with four databases. About 80 concurrent users. Our CPU gets …
5 replies
I need to be able to insert the value of a DTS globalvariable into a table. Is there a way of conv…
4 replies
I have sql server running properly on one of my machines. I want to stop using that machine as an s…
1 replies
I have established an ADO connection to a SQL Server database. However, I'm having problems selecti…
7 replies
I have a merge replication and in one table I can't insert new rows on the suscriber. SQL Server sa…
3 replies
I have one table in my database Employee There are three columns in employee table and in table i h…
3 replies Chris Kempsterwww.chriskempster.comAuthor of "SQL…
2 replies
Hi, I have a requirement in which i need to pass the SQL query, output file name to the DTS package…
5 replies
I am writing a DTS package in SQL 2000 SP1 running Advanced Server SP2. I am trying to output the r…
2 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 282,631 through 282,645 (of 282,868 total)