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We still have a couple of dino's. What should I check to re-enable access to ye good old SQL 2005 o…
4 replies
By: micherve
My agency has been using the combo of on-premises SQL Server for the back end and local desktop sof…
6 replies
After Adding SPN's and Validating "Good Status" in Kerberos Config Manager attempt to log into SQL …
3 replies
We have computers on our network with multiple ODBC versions installed on the same machine. For e…
1 replies
I have two OLE DB drivers installed. Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server and Microsoft OLE DB D…
1 replies
We are currently testing a pc deployed and managed using Microsoft Intune. We notice we cannot conn…
14 replies
Over the weekend I was doing some development on a project at home. I've use SQL Server 2019 Develo…
8 replies
Microsoft is warning of a "BREAKING CHANGE" and indeed this little update took my dev work down for…
1 replies
I am new to SQL area, it might be very simple, but googling did not help so far. Your help much app…
7 replies
Hello, i have an application which connects to of course an SQL Server. The SQL is a shared service…
3 replies
Attempting to follow directions from @SteveJones & MS documentation for setting up key for Azur…
2 replies
Hi All, I have a need to establish a SQL Server Kerberos authentication from a RedHat Linux applica…
1 replies
This is working with Sql Server version 2008 R2 Here are the other versions of software that might …
3 replies
Potentially dumb question. There is 1 x ldf & 1 x mdf for DB1. LocalDB. How do I connec…
4 replies
Does anybody know why existence of string sp_replwritetovarbin in the statement causes a transport-…
4 replies
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