Viewing 15 topics - 281,761 through 281,775 (of 282,446 total)
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Hi, I'm looking for some more detailed information about Enterprise Manager process info like what …
4 replies
Hi, it seems to me that OLAP/DTS is probably the most interesting technical area for SQL DBAs to ge…
7 replies
Hi all, Looking for a way to extract records that have birth or other key dates whose anniversaries…
3 replies
Hello, I am designing a Database. I want to ensure all validations happen at the client and also at…
8 replies
Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at…
9 replies
Hi, I am trying to create trusted login/username using some stored procedures. Can anyone help me f…
1 replies
Hi, Can anyone suggest how to print of bills from data on SQLserver 7.0 with crystal or jetforms as…
6 replies
When I use DTS to export data from a table in SQL Server 7 on NT 4 to a text file, only 255 bytes o…
7 replies
Could you please help me figure out my problem. When I login as a sa and set IDENITITY column ON fo…
5 replies
Hi, I've got a production database (SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2000 Server, SP2 with NTFS) that is …
7 replies
Ok. This is my first time working with OLAP. One of developers says that he has to be OLAP administ…
6 replies
Hi,i'm using sql server 7 (desktop edition)on windows me and windows-98 m/c.using enterprise manage…
2 replies
Can I do a DTS import from an Excel file, whereby the package updates those records which already e…
4 replies
We have an external web server that attaches to an internal SQL server via a specific port. When th…
7 replies
I have a Query that I can run from Query Analyer which takes 30 seconds. When I run the same Query …
8 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 281,761 through 281,775 (of 282,446 total)