SQLServerCentral Editorial

The Problem Is You


I've worked with a few databases, and almost all versions of SQL Server in my career. I've worked with small companies and large, applications serving 1 person to those with thousands of concurrent connections. In that time, I've seen everyone from secretaries to system administrators with a decade of Windows experience, to developers with several decades of experience work with SQL Server. And not always by choice. And not always successfully.

And I agree with this blog post:sometimes the problem is you.

Too often the expectation is that SQL Server can easily get installed and will just run. It's simple to use, and Microsoft pushes that message. It's true, but in a relative sense. It's simple when compared to DB/2 or Oracle, which seem to require advanced degrees in arcane binary interpretation as well as the presence of a geek gene. Most semi-technical people I know, even those in IT that work in the Microsoft world, are intimidated by all the command line work that those databases require.

However just because SQL Server uses an installer and has a GUI doesn’t mean that any random administrative assistant or business analyst in your company can make it run smoothly. And it doesn't mean that the guy that fixes or PC or the Exchange Administrator or even that hot-shot college grab that updated the company's web site will be able to tune SQL Server to run smoothly.

Someone that's worked with SQL Serve for years learned a lot about the platform, what works, what doesn't, and what tools to apply in different situations. There are still plenty tricks and techniques that an experienced DBA can give you to ensure instance runs smoothly. Remember that the next time you take a shortcut and the server is performing poorly.

Steve Jones

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

Everyday Jones

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Today's podcast features music by Everyday Jones. No relation, but I stumbled on to them and really like the music. Support this great duo at www.everydayjones.com.

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