SQLServerCentral Editorial

The Other Jobs


There's a meme of sorts going around Twitter. It asks for your non-tech jobs, and I've seen some good ones from Grant, Kendra, Erin Stellato, and more. There are some interesting ones, and a few that I'm glad I never had to try. My list is here:

  1. Ice bag packer/delivery
  2. Waiter/bartender
  3. Lawn service supervisor
  4. Lay water/sewer pipe
  5. Volleyball coach (current)

In my youth, I had a few more (newspaper delivery, painter), but I've had paying computer jobs since I was about 16, off and on, and I had a lot of restaurant jobs. I've actually been a cook, busboy, delivery person, waiter, bartender, and manager. I always enjoyed restaurant work and even had some part time jobs even as I was starting my career in tech. These days I certainly have ranch jobs, usually assigned by my wife, and I do coach competitive youth volleyball over the winter.

I know most of us have more in our lives than tech, and some of us might even have second jobs now, whether by necessity or for fun. This week I'm curious what other jobs you've held and which ones you enjoyed. Perhaps there were some you hated. Let us know how rounded your work history is.

As I get older, I think about other jobs. Not that I want to leave Redgate or SQLServerCentral, but I'd like to retire at some point and still have something that occupies some time. Volunteering somewhere, with a commitment as a real job, is something I hope to do at some point. Volleyball is great, but one thing I'm looking to try is holding babies at the local hospital. Many of them need companionship when they are born premature or ill and parents need a break. Seems like a good gig to me.

What interesting job would you try in retirement?

BTW, I know some of you worry about these as a security question, but I've never seen this listed as one of my choices. If you have, then please don't answer.


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