SQLServerCentral Editorial

All I Want For Christmas Is ...


Christmas Gifts

"my two front teeth, my two front teeth..."

Maybe once upon a time, but we're done losing front teeth in this family. At least I hope so. That may be one place I need to fake things as I age with a bridge, denture, or something else. I certainly want to be able to enjoy pizza for a long time to come.

We're getting close to Christmas, many of you have probably had parties, or they're coming up soon and you might have gotten your Secret Santa gifts already. Hopefully you've done most of your shopping, unlike me, who hasn't gotten a thing.

When I was a manager, I bought things for all of my direct reports at Christmas. I had some budgetary explaining to do to my wife when I had 10 reports, but I felt that it was part of my duty as a manager to show people that I was thinking of them. I tended to limit purchases to $20, so they weren't big gifts, but I thought about each person and tried to get something they'd like. For some it was a golf item, others might get a DVD, but it was something I sat down and thought about to personalize each gift.

I saw this interesting article on what IT staffers might like for Christmas and it inspired me about this Friday poll:

What would make you happy this Christmas?

I'm really looking for something that you'd like at work, or something from your boss that would make your job more interesting. Those of you not using your real names might like to post something and then send this thread to your boss. The rest of you might want to think about it and tell your boss anyway. I will say that too often I felt employees wouldn't approach me with requests or give me enough feedback.

My boss reads this thread, and I guess I'm obliged to answer. Actually I'm not sure exactly who I report to, so I might have more than one boss. My wife asked me a similar question about Christmas and I can answer both here:

More of the same.

I've got a great job, a great life, and I'm really enjoying this stuff, especially the video and podcasts (so let the boss know below if you like them as well). I can't really complain about anything and even though I'm busy and slightly stressed by deadlines at times, I've got a great life and can't really ask for anything else.

So it's not too late. Give some feedback, pass the discussion link out to managers you know, and maybe you'll get something nice in the cubical from Santa come January.

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

Everyday Jones

The podcast feeds are now available at sqlservercentral.podshow.com to get better bandwidth and maybe a little more exposure :). Comments are definitely appreciated and wanted, and you can get feeds from there.

The RSS Feed:

or now on iTunes!

Today's podcast features music by Everyday Jones. No relation, but I stumbled on to them and really like the music. Support this great duo at www.everydayjones.com.

I really appreciate and value feedback on the podcasts. Let us know what you like, don't like, or even send in ideas for the show. If you'd like to comment, post something here. The boss will be sure to read it.


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