SQLServerCentral Editorial

A Data Request Form


This week I'm in the PASS Virtual Summit, watching some sessions around other work. Unlike a regular conference, I have more distractions, and I have other commitments. So while I have to be around to deliver or chat during a few sessions, and I am at the Redgate Booth, I also still have other work to get done. Being ill for most of last week put me way behind.

As I was wandering around the Virtual Summit site, I've been experimenting and clicking, looking for how things work. After a little discussion on Twitter about the privacy policy, I was looking for what the platform offers. The vendor being used is Cadmium CD, and at the bottom of the Summit pages, there is a link that says "My Data". Clicking it takes me here: Data Request Form.

This is what is says. You can request all your data from the vendor, which is a provision of the GDPR, allowing you access to what data is being stored about you. You can also ask to be removed, forgotten, or transferred. I wonder if that last one will become a service item. Would you subscribe to somewhere that gets copies of and cleanses, analyzes, etc. your data, letting you know what mistakes or inconsistencies are out there? Or what is being tracked, with some privacy surface area or areas of concern?

I don't know if I would, but I do like the idea of being able to request my data. I've done this from some places, getting a look into how I have used services more than what people are tracking, but knowing what's being captured and held is a concept I might embrace.


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