SET options on stored Procedures work a bit different when compared with ad-hoc queries. These differences in behavior are often overlooked when developing the procedures and generating deployment scripts. This mistake can lead to undesired behavior in the application.
2015-10-02 (first published: 2013-08-29)
20,190 reads
Find the most executed stored procedure(s).
2015-05-01 (first published: 2013-08-13)
3,772 reads
Find any code objects that interact with a given table/view, or call another given code object.
2015-04-10 (first published: 2013-07-05)
4,609 reads
List of your Stored Procedures and when they were last accesses.
2012-10-25 (first published: 2012-10-12)
1,935 reads
This script summarizes the execution statistics of the stored procedures which was run on the current database in the last 7 days.
2014-10-01 (first published: 2012-04-18)
7,354 reads
Consolidated script generator for multiple stored procedures (existing and/or newly created) in MS Sql Server 2000/2005/2008 at one go
2011-07-15 (first published: 2011-03-28)
2,048 reads