Technical Article

Stored Procedures Performance


The output includes the following columns:

Column Name Description
DBName Database Name
SPName Name of the stored procedure
SecondsAgo Seconds since the sp was last executed
LastExecDate The last execution time
ReadableTime Average time in readable format (hh:mm:ss)
AvgTimeMS Average execution duration of the sp in milliseconds.
AvgTimeCPU Average cpu usage
LastTimeMS Last execution duration of the sp in milliseconds.
MinTimeMS Minimum execution duration of the sp in milliseconds.
TotalTimeMS Total execution duration of the sp in milliseconds.
ExecPerSecond The rate sp is executed per second.
TotalExecCount Total execution count of the sp.
LastWorkerCPU Last cpu usage
LastPReads Last physical read count
MaxPReads Maximum physical read count
LastLWrites Last logical write count
LastLReads Last logical read count

You can reset the counters any time by using the following statement:


SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) DBName, 
 OBJECT_NAME(object_id) SPName,
 datediff(second, last_execution_time, getdate()) SecondsAgo, 
 last_execution_time LastExecDate,
 CASE WHEN execution_count = 0 THEN '--' ELSE
 RIGHT('0'+convert(varchar(5),((total_elapsed_time/(1000000*execution_count))%60)),2) END ReadableTime, 
 CASE WHEN execution_count= 0 THEN 0 ELSE total_elapsed_time/(1000*execution_count) END AvgTimeMS,
 CASE WHEN execution_count= 0 THEN 0 ELSE total_worker_time/(1000*execution_count) END AvgTimeCPU,
 last_elapsed_time/1000 LastTimeMS,
 min_elapsed_time/1000 MinTimeMS,
 total_elapsed_time/1000 TotalTimeMS,
 CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(second, s.cached_time, GETDATE()) < 1 THEN 0 ELSE
 cast(execution_count as decimal) / cast(DATEDIFF(second, s.cached_time, GETDATE()) as decimal) END ExecPerSecond,
 execution_count TotalExecCount, 
 last_worker_time/1000 LastWorkerCPU,
 last_physical_reads LastPReads,
 max_physical_reads MaxPReads,
 last_logical_writes LastLWrites,
 last_logical_reads LastLReads 
FROM sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats s 
WHERE database_id = DB_ID() 
AND last_execution_time > dateadd(day, -7, getdate())
ORDER BY 6 desc, 3


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