Reports summaries, in 3 levels of detail, connections, running requests, open transactions + cursors, and blocking. Provides query text + plan for the piggiest running request of each group.
2009-10-26 (first published: 2008-09-18)
5,986 reads
Script to log top blocker processes in a database. Top blocker is defined as the process that is at the top of a blocking chain.
2012-07-12 (first published: 2007-10-30)
2,995 reads
Drop all connections from a specific database.
2007-10-19 (first published: 2007-07-25)
9,271 reads
A quick little standalone script that tells you what process is blocking and what processes the blocking processing actually blocking.When running this script in QA, change your output to "Results in Text" ( CTRL-T ). Utilizes the blocking info in sp_who2 combined with dbcc inputbuffer and a little cursor to wrap it all up. Formatting […]
2007-04-19 (first published: 2007-03-20)
7,442 reads
spWhatsRunning does just that. It tells you exactly what is executing on your server. By combining the output of the sp_who and dbcc inputbuffer, this script will tell you exactly whats being executed. DBCC INPUTBUFFER will tell you the same thing, but by the time you get the spid, the offending process may be gone. […]
2007-04-17 (first published: 2007-03-20)
2,716 reads
The following script will allow the user to get information from all spids that have a program name associated with them. That is event info out of dbcc inputbuffer. Additional columns may be added and used in the table through simple modifications of the script. I just found it useful for troubleshooting and setting up […]
2006-10-19 (first published: 2006-09-29)
2,314 reads