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Networking - Part 3

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Continuing the conversation I began in Part 1 & Part 2, today I want to ruminate some more on networking. I've had a good discussions about networking since I wrote the first two parts, with a focus on the value of networking.

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Blog: Disabling Log Shipping When the Secondary Server Doesn't Exist

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Had a bit of an oddity show up during some testing today when trying to disable log shipping on the primary server using SSMS. My test scenario was such that our secondary server was not available any longer (had been renamed) and when I tried to disable the log shipping...

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The Hassles of Travel - Part 2

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I didn't want to go on this trip, but I agreed to do it. Now I regret it. My flight to Chicago was fairly uneventful, but it was running late. At 4:30CST the pilot says we should be on the ground in 30 minutes, which is good since I have to get to...

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Big Queries, Big Money


I had been meaning to post this, so as I finished a piece that...

A New Word: Fardle-dun


fardle-din – n. a long-overdue argument that shakes up a relationship, burning wildly through...

Lukáš Karlovský: I got the green light from management and built Fabric specialization from scratch


The post Lukáš Karlovský: I got the green light from management and built Fabric...

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Subqueries II

What is wrong (if anything) with this code?

 FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh 
 WHERE customerid IN (SELECT soh.CustomerID 
                       FROM Sales.Customer AS C
   WHERE soh.CurrencyRateID = 1
   ORDER BY c.ModifiedDate)

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