In a previous post I talked about an issue with storage failover when a Kubernetes node goes offline. In a nutshell, the issue is that the attachdetach-controller in Kubernetes...
2022-10-19 (first published: 2022-10-11)
139 reads
I previously wrote a post on how to convert a SQL Server Docker image to a Windows Subsystem for Linux distribution. I did this because if you tried to...
2022-10-05 (first published: 2022-09-27)
5,042 reads
A while back I wrote a post on Adjusting Pod Eviction Timings in Kubernetes. To test the changes made in that post I had to shut down nodes in...
2022-07-04 (first published: 2022-06-24)
192 reads
I really like the mssql-cli tool. I use it pretty much everyday however it seems like it’s not being maintained anymore and as such, there are issues when trying...
2022-06-08 (first published: 2022-05-13)
484 reads
A while ago I blogged about an awesome Chaos Engineering tools built by Eugenio Marzo (t) call KubeInvaders. Since then Eugenio has updated the repo to make it easier...
2022-03-25 (first published: 2022-03-10)
252 reads
I’ve been mucking about with Vim a bit recently and recently found myself (for reasons unknown tbh) writing powershell scripts in it. Once I’d written a script, I would...
2022-01-26 (first published: 2022-01-07)
347 reads
There are new Ubuntu Pro 20.04 images available in the Azure marketplace with SQL Server 2019 pre-installed so I thought I’d run through how to create a three node...
2021-12-08 (first published: 2021-12-01)
248 reads
I was adding databases to an availability group (SQL Server 2017 CU20 instance) the other day and one database failed to automatically seed to the secondary. When I looked...
2021-10-18 (first published: 2021-10-05)
363 reads