There are a whole bunch of environment variables that can be used to configure SQL Server when run in a Docker container. You can check out the full list...
2021-10-08 (first published: 2021-09-24)
479 reads
When running multiple SQL Server containers on a Docker host we should always be setting CPU and Memory limits for each container (see the flags for memory and cpus...
2021-08-18 (first published: 2021-08-06)
314 reads
The schedule for EightKB Summer 2021 Edition has been announced! Here’s the schedule: – N.B. – I particularly like that if you click on the session on the website,...
2021-07-02 (first published: 2021-06-15)
195 reads
I’ve been interested (obsessed?) with running SQL Server in containers for a while now, ever since I saw how quick and easy it was to spin one up. That...
2021-05-24 (first published: 2021-05-17)
621 reads
Windows Subsystem for Linux is probably my favourite feature of Windows 10. It gives us the ability to run full blown linux distributions on our Windows 10 desktop. This...
2021-04-15 (first published: 2021-04-13)
305 reads
I really don’t like Powerpoint. I’ll do pretty much anything to avoid writing a presentation in it. Thankfully for the last few years there’s been a service called GitPitch...
2021-02-26 (first published: 2021-02-21)
235 reads
The next EightKB is coming on January 27th, kicking off at 2pm UTC. Once again we have 5 mind melting sessions on 5 in-depth SQL Server internals topics, from...
2021-01-13 (first published: 2021-01-07)
508 reads
In a previous post we went through how to setup a Kubernetes cluster on Raspberry Pis and then deploy Azure SQL Edge to it. In this post I want...
2020-12-16 (first published: 2020-12-07)
144 reads