By Steve Bolton …………Like many of my other series of amateur mistutorials, the section of my blog devoted to the broad topic of Information Measurement is ultimately meant to...
2020-09-07 (first published: 2020-08-30)
532 reads
By Steve Bolton …………Each group of distance measures surveyed in this segment of the series was defined by affinities between the underlying equations. For example, the common denominator for...
2020-03-04 (first published: 2020-02-27)
249 reads
By Steve Bolton …………Over the course of this segment of the series, we’ve slowly assembled a classification system for some distances measures that can be used for DIY data...
2019-12-11 (first published: 2019-11-30)
401 reads
By Steve Bolton …………Over the course of this inexpert exploration of the distance measures used for such data mining applications as clustering, we’ve gradually introduced a system of classification...
2019-08-12 (first published: 2019-07-29)
550 reads
By Steve Bolton …………In the last two installments of this series of amateur self-tutorials (apart from the Fisher Information article, which I deliberately published out of order), I introduced...
2019-06-05 (first published: 2019-05-17)
252 reads
By Steve Bolton …………As I discussed in more depth in the last three articles (not counting last month’s digression into Fisher Information, which is out of numerical order), theoreticians...
2019-04-11 (first published: 2019-03-30)
526 reads
By Steve Bolton
…………One of the major thrusts of my various mistutorial series has been to drive home the point that...
2019-02-14 (first published: 2019-01-25)
2,239 reads
By Steve Bolton
…………“The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.”
…………In this famous remark, Archimedes[1] (287-212 B.C.) managed to...
2018-12-20 (first published: 2018-11-30)
2,470 reads
by Steve Bolton
…………In the last installment of this amateur series of self-tutorials on DIY data mining metrics, we saw how...
2018-08-15 (first published: 2018-07-31)
2,272 reads