Extract default & Named Instance from @@servername
Extract default & Named Instance from @@servername.
Print all characters before and after \ to find default and named instance name.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-04-15)
1,132 reads
Extract default & Named Instance from @@servername.
Print all characters before and after \ to find default and named instance name.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-04-15)
1,132 reads
Extract SQL Server Name, Instance Name, Service Account details, startMode and ServiceState details with Powershell.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2014-10-13)
6,093 reads
If you want to extract only deadlock details, use the script.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2014-12-03)
3,810 reads
If you want to find TotalPages, Usedpages,datapages,totalspaceMB,UsedSpaceMB,DataSpaceMB then can use this query.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2014-12-26)
1,494 reads
2019-05-03 (first published: 2016-11-22)
773 reads
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-03-29)
1,731 reads
Easy way to get the TLOg space Usage details
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-11-19)
1,349 reads
If you have a requirement to carefully have the output file against each sql agent job step, you can use this script. If incase, there are many sql agent jobs and by any reason if any of the step does not have proper o/p file, this script can automatically create the o/p file.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2016-05-20)
1,435 reads
If you have a requirement to Kill all USer Sessions before starting to restore a Database, you may use this script
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-07-08)
2,096 reads
The script will be helpful to kill all the user sessions before performing the refresh of the database.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2011-03-29)
2,620 reads
By Ed Elliott
All Spark Connect Posts I recently published the latest version of the Spark Connect Dotnet...
By Steve Jones
opia – n. the ambiguous intensity of eye contact The entry for this says...
By Steve Jones
This was actually a cool tip I saw internally from one of the product...
Hi All, I am currently testing the Table Partitioning to implement in SQL server...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item STRING_AGG's behavior
Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Role of Databases in...
CREATE TABLE t0 ( id INT PRIMARY KEY , field1 VARCHAR(1000) , field2 VARCHAR(MAX)); INSERT INTO t0 SELECT gs.value , REPLICATE ('X', 1000) , REPLICATE ('Y', 1000) FROM generate_series(1, 10, 1) gs; GO
select STRING_AGG(field1, ';') within group (order by id) from t0;
select STRING_AGG(field2, ';') within group (order by id) from t0;