SQl Hunt

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Technical Article

Copy Backup Files to Remote Shared Location and Delete them periodically

If you have a requirement where you need to copy all your backup files to any remote shared location from your local folder/drive and after that you need to do a periodic cleanup of the backup files, you can use my script.

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2019-05-03 (first published: )

2,033 reads

Technical Article

Delete SQL Instance name from default backup location

IF you want to delete the SQL Instance folder of your SQL Named instance after uninstall of your SQL Server Instance, then the script will help you. Note: I did an extra step by using / taking data (INSTALLSHAREDDIR) from your .INI file.

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2019-05-03 (first published: )

709 reads


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Question of the Day

STRING_AGG's behavior

Executing the following script (Sql Server 2022), you get the table t0 with 10 rows:
, field1 VARCHAR(1000)
, field2 VARCHAR(MAX));
, REPLICATE ('X', 1000)
, REPLICATE ('Y', 1000)
FROM generate_series(1, 10, 1) gs;
What happens if you execute the following statements?
  1. select STRING_AGG(field1, ';') within group (order by id)  from t0;
  2. select STRING_AGG(field2, ';') within group (order by id)  from t0;

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