Joseph Gama

Technical Article

Find a string in Procedures, Triggers, etc

I want to thank James Travis for his original and excellent work and to Razvan Socol for alerting about a similar problem that led me to improve James' code. The problem is that when searching for a word that is split between two 8kb blocks, James' code would ignore it. The solution is to look […]

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Technical Article

UDF Luhn's formula-credit card number validation

This UDF will validate a credit card number using Luhn's formula.For example 49927398716 will return 1:print dbo.luhn('49927398716')print dbo.luhn(49927398716)11based on:Credit cards, validation and the Luhn formulabyEduardo Chaves converted to TSQL by Joseph Gama

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522 reads

Technical Article

Decrypt Stored Procedures, Views and Triggers

This SP will decrypt Stored Procedures, Views or Triggers that were encrypted using "with encryption" There are 2 versions: one for SP's only and the other one for SP's, triggers and views version 1: INPUT: object name (stored procedure, view or trigger) version 2: INPUT: object name (stored procedure, view or trigger), object type('T'-trigger, 'P'-stored […]

1 (2)

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Technical Article

123 TSQL functions

This is a collection of 123 TSQL functions for professional, academic or learning purposes. There are many conversions hexadecimal/octal/binary/Roman numerals, mathematical functions such as hyperbolic, logic and trigonometric. Combinatorial functions such as combinations, permutations (factorial), arrangements. Other interesting functions include turning a number into plain English, Morse code, EBCDIC and vice-versa, Levenshtein Distance (linguistics), encryption, […]

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The Data API Builder Start and Add Extensions in VS Code


One of the things that I like about the Data API Builder (DAB) is...

Using OneLake for Excel Files in Microsoft Fabric


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Another AI Faux Pax


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Sparse Column Defaults

What are the restrictions for defaults on columns declared as sparse?

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