Peter Sloboda

Technical Article

Object dependencies in xml format

Most of the people know about the right-click option 'View Dependencies' in the SQL Management Studio.
It will diplay expandable tree off all dependencies each way. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I couldn't find any other way to save this othere than taking a screenshot of the window.

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2014-07-21 (first published: )

910 reads


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Question of the Day

The "ORDER BY" clause behavior

Let’s consider the following script that can be executed without any error on both SQL Sever and PostgreSQL. We define the table t1 in which we insert three records:

create table t1 (id int primary key, city varchar(50));

insert into t1 values (1, 'Rome'), (2, 'New York'), (3, NULL);
If we execute the following query, how will the records be sorted in both environments?
select city

from t1

order by city;

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