Press Release

SQLServerCentral Article

eSubscriptions Are Here!!!

Last year we started a magazine, the SQL Server Standard, a publication devoted to SQL Server with articles written by you and me, people who work with the product in the real world. Now we're pleased to announce that eSubscriptions to the magazine in PDF format are now available.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Freeware: SQL Digger 1.0

Ever been in the situation where you know that you used a function in a stored procedure and couldn't remember how to use it? SQL Server is a great database platform, but it's easy to lose track of all your code as an application grows. A new freeware utility is available to help you search your databases for code.

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SQLServerCentral Article Celebrates our 200,000 Member Milestone

Many thanks from Andy, Brian, and Steve to everyone for their participation and efforts in building the best SQL Server site and the best community on the Internet. In appreciation of their efforts, we've given away a few gifts to some random members.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Decorum in the Forums

One of the most valuable features of is the discussion forums, where many a DBA has found an answer to their question. Most times on the same day! While we do not moderate the forums, there are still some rules for posting that we hope everyone will take a moment to read.

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SQLServerCentral Article

TiVo for DBAs!!! is all about learning. Our goal has been to build a community where we all teach each other how to become more proficient with SQL Server. Most of our content to date has been written articles that show you how to do something. Well we have a a better idea, maybe. Check out our new video HOWTO series.

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Level Up Your SQL Skills: The Best Intermediate to Advanced Courses


In the data-driven landscape of 2024, advanced SQL isn't just a nice-to-have, it's a...

Query deadlock info in Azure SQL DB


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MSSQL Database Property LastGoodCheckDbTime to Get the Last Successful DBCC CHECKDB on a Database


Database Property LastGoodCheckDbTime to Get the Last Successful DBCC CHECKDB on a Database As one...

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Sensitivity Ranks

I want to use the ADD SENSITIVITY CLASSIFICATION DDL to mark some columns in my SQL Server 2022 database as PII. Can I use this code?

    LABEL = 'Highly Confidential',
    INFORMATION_TYPE = 'Financial',

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