SQLServerCentral Article

Adding an AI Policy for Authors


In the last few months, we've noticed quite a bit of content submitted that seems overly structured in certain ways. I collaborate with Louis Davidson at Simple Talk, and he's seen similar issues. With some research and checking, we both concluded that there was a decent amount of Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistance taking place in creating content. In fact, we believe some submissions were 100% AI-generated.

While we do believe that AI is a technology that can assist us in work and help us be better, we do not want to see completely AI-generated content. We have been, and want to remain, a place for technical professionals to share their ideas, thoughts, solutions, and code to help others get better at their jobs.

A New Policy

You can read about this on our Contribute page, but the short changes are:

  • AI can help you clean up some grammar, but it should not be writing paragraphs for you.
  • AI can generate schema and setup code.
  • You must disclose if you use AI

What we do not want is:

  • AI writing articles, or even paragraphs about technology
  • AI writing queries or code for a solution

We hope this change makes the site continue to be a valuable resource for database professionals and we welcome contributions from anyone who is making a living as a developer, DBA, or other technology professional.'

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the editor.


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