External Article

10 reasons to choose Flyway

Thousands of organizations use DevOps practices every day to deliver application changes. But what about the database? Excluding the database from your DevOps pipeline and processes risks application performance, data security and integrity. With Flyway, Redgate solves this challenge in one complete solution that sits inside your existing DevOps platform and processes. Find out the 10 reasons why organizations worldwide choose Flyway.

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Be Prepared

I've been reading about the fires in Maui and the horrible loss of life there. My heart goes out to all involved. I hope, if you can, you donate to a good charity to help those poor people. It also inspired me to do another check on our emergency supplies and equipment. No, we don't […]

External Article

Screen Scraping with Python and BeautifulSoup Code Examples

BeautifulSoup (sometimes referred to as Beautiful Soup library) is one of several widely used screen scraping packages for a web page. It is highly regarded for its ease of use and power.
Screen scraping enables developers to create solutions that permit comparative analyses from all over the internet, such as web applications that look for the best price on an item from many different online stores.


Denver Dev Day – Best Practices for Database Deployments Resources


I delivered a talk today on database deployment best practices at the Denver Dev...

A New Word: desanté


desanté – n. the brooding delirium of being sick, which makes time slow to...

What happens when we drop a column on a SQL Server table? Where's my space?


This article was initially posted on SQLServerCentral @ 2024-04-26. Short answer: The column is marked...

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On Being an "Expert"

By Grant Fritchey

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Advice: how to script out existing Azure (logical) SQL Server logins

By Stteb

Advice on how to script out existing Azure (logical) SQL Server logins and mapped...

Abort Package after specified timeout project parameter

By Dave

Hi I have a sequence container which contains an execute package task which loads...

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Adding Hints with Query Store

I have a query that is being tracked in the SQL Server 2022 Query Store. I want to add a hint to this query to ensure that the MAXDOP for this query is one. How can I do this with minimal code changes

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