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State of Database Monitoring Report 2

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We’re sharing the results of our State of Database Monitoring survey in four insights reports this year – and the second one is out now. In The value of a monitoring tool for the entire organization you’ll learn why more businesses than ever are using a monitoring tool and how doing so can help the entire business to reduce costs, enhance security and collaborate more efficiently. DBAs - download a copy and send it to your boss, today!


Technical Article

Our Top Findings from The State of Database Monitoring Survey

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Over 2500 global database professionals answered questions on their experiences with database monitoring in our annual survey earlier this year. We’re creating four reports from the findings and in our first, The real-world challenges of growing server estates, you’ll discover both insights and trends along with advice for how to tackle the most common challenges.

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How do you monitor your databases? Take the survey!

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Calling data professionals! We want to know how you are monitoring your servers, instances and databases. By taking the 2021 State of Database Monitoring survey, you’ll help us better understand how the community monitor and manage their estates, and the challenges they face. You’ll get exclusive early access to the 2021 State of Database Monitoring report, plus, one lucky winner will receive a $500 Amazon gift card in our prize draw.



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The SQL Assessment API

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The SQL Assessment API

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