Search results for "title"

Your search for "title" returned 100 results:

Technical Article

Error with SSIS and Excel

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I am trying to use the Excel Connection Manager in SSIS 2008 R2. I have set Run64BitRuntime = false. I have tried to process several .xls files that have one worksheet. But I get an "unexpected error from external database driver (22)" message from them. When I use the original worksheet tab name (for example, […]

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Technical Article

Nested Iif expression...

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I'm trying to figure out the syntax on an RS expression, but keep getting compile error msgs. Example below: If Title value = "Director" OR Title value = "Mgr" AND IF SupervisorName value = "Jane Smith" THEN "Las Vegas" ELSE IF SupervisorName value = "John Doe" THEN "Ft. Laud" ELSE SupervisorName Value ELSE IF Title […]

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Technical Article

SQL Full Text search Column weighting

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Hi,I wonder if anyone can help me on this one.I'm just getting to grips with 2005 and trying out the Full Text searching.Is there any way that i can weight columns NOT search terms but columns in the index. ie if i searched for "Harry Potter" and it appeared in a title field instead of […]

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Technical Article

SSRS cascading parameter doesn't change value when upstream parameters change

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My report has a title that is based on the values in a couple of parameters. I'd like to add a feature to the report where the user can overtype the value for that title when the logic that sets it doesn't give quite the result they'd like. I tried adding a parameter for that […]

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Technical Article

Database Mirroring Error.

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Hi, I am trying to configure database mirroring in sql server -2014 on the local windows 8 machine. I go following error . How to solve. Not: I have not configured any virtual lab.all sql server instances are on the same machine. TITLE: Database Properties ------------------------------ An error occurred while starting mirroring. ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: […]

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Technical Article

Database Mirroring setup issue

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Hi, I'm trying to set up database mirroring using the database mirroring wizard in SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM x64 developer edition on Windows Server 2008 R2 EE x64 SP. Primary Server: SRV1 Instance:SRV1/ins1 Mirror Server:SRV2 Instance:SRV2\ins1 I have selected all default configuration in the wizard to set up mirroring for AdventureWorks database . But […]

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Query deadlock info in Azure SQL DB


A couple of weeks ago, a developer came to me and wanted to know...

MSSQL Database Property LastGoodCheckDbTime to Get the Last Successful DBCC CHECKDB on a Database


Database Property LastGoodCheckDbTime to Get the Last Successful DBCC CHECKDB on a Database As one...

Dynamic Warehouse & Lakehouse Connections in Microsoft Fabric Data Pipelines


When you develop data pipelines in Microsoft Fabric (the Azure Data Factory equivalent in...

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Baseball Everywhere

By Ryan Booz

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Baseball Everywhere

How to run custom python module on SQL Server?

By yyang5823

I am working on a small test script on SQL server 2022 using python...

Upgrade to SQL2019 from 2012 Query is taking time, Need Query Optimization steps

By ralahari

Upgrade to SQL2019 from 2012 Query is taking time, Need Query Optimization steps and...

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Sensitivity Ranks

I want to use the ADD SENSITIVITY CLASSIFICATION DDL to mark some columns in my SQL Server 2022 database as PII. Can I use this code?

    LABEL = 'Highly Confidential',
    INFORMATION_TYPE = 'Financial',

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