Backup Strategy in Azure SQL?
Everybody says that the backup process in Azure SQL is very easy. Is that true? In this new article, we will show how to do it.
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if object_id('DBA_Restore_TransactionLog','P') is not null drop procedure DBA_Restore_TransactionLog go create procedure DBA_Restore_TransactionLog ( @databasevarchar(200), -- Database Name @from_pathvarchar(1000) -- Path from where the transaction files are. ) as begin set nocount on; Declare @Script nvarchar(1000), @countint, @filenamevarchar(500), @search_frompathvarchar(1000) -- Temp Table to get the results into the temp table. if object_id('tempdb..#Temp_CheckExistenceFolder', 'U') is not null drop table #Temp_CheckExistenceFolder create table #Temp_CheckExistenceFolder ( id int identity(1,1), Output_Results varchar(2000) ) --Temp table to store the execution script for the transaction logs applied. if object_id('Temp_ExecuteFileList','U') is not null drop table Temp_ExecuteFileList create table Temp_ExecuteFileList ( Exec_Scriptnvarchar(1500) ) -- Temp table to store the File List with date and time got from the dir command. The table helps in to store the transaction log -- file details to be applied on the database. if object_id('Temp_FileList', 'U') is not null drop table Temp_FileList create table Temp_FileList ( Idint identity(1,1), Datesvarchar(20), Timesvarchar(20), Filenamesvarchar(500) ) --The DIR command to take the file list for the transaction file. select @script = 'exec master..xp_cmdshell ''dir '+@from_path+'/T ''' --The output of the DIR commad is inserted into the table. insert into #Temp_CheckExistenceFolder ( Output_Results ) exec (@script) -- The variable is used to delete a line from the table #Temp_CheckExistenceFolder select @search_frompath = '%'+@from_path +'%' /************ Delte statements from the table #Temp_CheckExistenceFolder unwanted data generated from the DIR command. *********************/ -- Delete any rows which had values as Null delete #Temp_CheckExistenceFolder where Output_Results is null -- Delete any rows which has values as %volume%' delete #Temp_CheckExistenceFolder where Output_Results like '%Volume%' -- Delete any rows which has values as <DIR> delete #Temp_CheckExistenceFolder where Output_Results like '%<Dir>%' -- Delete any rows which provides count of files persent in the path delete #Temp_CheckExistenceFolder where Output_Results like '%file(s)%' -- Delete any rows which provides count of folders persent in the path delete #Temp_CheckExistenceFolder where Output_Results like '%Dir(s)%' -- Delete any rows which provides from what path result is from. delete #Temp_CheckExistenceFolder where Output_Results like @search_frompath -- Get the total Files list into the FileList table with columns with Date, Time and Filename. insert into Temp_FileList ( Dates, Times, Filenames ) selectleft(output_results, 10) as 'Dates' , -- Get the date from the row. ltrim(rtrim(substring(output_results, len(left(output_results, 13)),6))), -- Get the Time from the row. ltrim(rtrim(right(output_results,NULLIF(charindex(' ', REVERSE(output_results)),0)))) as 'Filenames' -- get the filenames from the row. from #Temp_CheckExistenceFolder order by 2 desc -- Take the total File count for the transaction log. select@count = count(1) fromTemp_FileList -- While loop to apply the transaction log. while(@count >=1) begin -- Take the file names from the table to be applied. select@filename = Filenames fromTemp_FileList whereId = @count -- Generate the script for transaction log with from path and filename. select @script= ' RESTORE LOG '+ @database + ' FROM disk = '''+@from_path +'\'+@filename +'''' + ' WITH NORECOVERY;' -- The execution script is inserted into the table to debug if any problems. insert into Temp_ExecuteFileList ( Exec_Script ) select @script -- Execute the actual script to apply the transaction log. exec(@script) if(@@error<> 0) begin select @script end -- @Count variable gets values for the next run for the while loop. select @count = @count -1 end end go