This sp is used to update index in a database. This sp has got three optional varchar parameters.
First parameter will take the tablename. Second parameter will take the indexname. Third parameter will take the fillfactor.
The following option we can execute the sp in a user database.
1. exec StabilizeIndex
It will update all index in a user database
2. StabilizeIndex 'TableName'
It will update all index in a table
3. StabilizeIndex 'TableName', 'IndexName'
It will update an index in a table.
4.StabilizeIndex 'TableName', 'IndexName', ‘FillFactor’
It will update an index in a table with fill factor.
Note: This is not used in system database.
Rebuilding Stats: Twice or Not At All
Are you rebuilding statistics twice on your tables? Longtime expert, Andy Warren, shows why you might be asking more work of your SQL Server than is required.
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