Technical Article

Show database size info across an instance


This script will insert data about the sizes of all databases on the instance into a predetermined table - DatabaseGrowth. It can be used to perform a snapshot at a point in time by running in SSMS or made into a job to chart the growth of databases over time.

Please note that OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME and DATA_COMPRESSION are SQL 2008 features.

If running on SQL Server 2005:

The condition using OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME can be removed and replaced with an appropriate JOIN to sys.schemas.

Comment out the use of DATA_COMPRESSION WHEN creating storage table.

The code assumes the existance of the database DBAControl. This can be changed to use TempDB to test the code by replacing each occurence of the word "DBAControl".

Remember never run untrusted code on a Production Server, always review and then run on a development instance first!

Script written by Richard Douglas

Script will insert data about the sizes of all databases on the instance into a predetermined table.
This can be used as a snapshot or made into a job to chart the growth of databases over time.

Please note that OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME and DATA_COMPRESSION are SQL 2008 features.
If running on SQL Server 2005:
    The condition using OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME can be removed and replaced with an appropriate JOIN to sys.schemas.
    Comment out the use of DATA_COMPRESSION WHEN creating storage table.
The code assumes the existance of the database DBAControl. This can be changed to use TempDB to test the code.
    Remember never run untrusted code on a Production Server, always review and then run on a development instance first.
USE DBAControl

Create a table to store results.
                FROM DBAControl.sys.tables 
                WHERE Name = 'DatabaseGrowth' 
                AND OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(object_id) = 'dbo'
    CREATE TABLE DBAControl.[dbo].[DatabaseGrowth]
         [Database_Name] [char](128) NOT NULL
        ,[Database_Size_MB] DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL
        ,[Unallocated_Space_MB] DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL
        ,[Reserved_MB] DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL
        ,[Data_MB] BIGINT NOT NULL
        ,[Index_Size_MB] BIGINT NULL
        ,[Unused_MB] BIGINT NOT NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

Insert the data into storage table
*/INSERT INTO DBAControl.dbo.DatabaseGrowth
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb    
    @pages    BIGINT            -- Working variable for size calc.
    ,@dbname SYSNAME
    ,@dbsize BIGINT
    ,@logsize BIGINT
    ,@reservedpages BIGINT
    ,@usedpages BIGINT
    ,@rowCount BIGINT


         @dbsize = SUM(CONVERT(BIGINT,CASE WHEN STATUS & 64 = 0 THEN Size ELSE 0 END))
        ,@logsize = SUM(CONVERT(BIGINT,CASE WHEN STATUS & 64 <> 0 THEN Size ELSE 0 END))
        FROM [?].dbo.sysfiles

         @reservedpages = SUM(a.total_pages)
        ,@usedpages = SUM(a.used_pages)
        ,@pages = SUM(
                    /* XML-Index and FT-Index internal tables are not considered "data", but is part of "index_size" */                    WHEN it.internal_type IN (202,204,211,212,213,214,215,216) THEN 0
                    WHEN a.type <> 1 THEN a.used_pages
                    WHEN p.index_id < 2 THEN a.data_pages
                    ELSE 0
    FROM [?].sys.partitions p 
    JOIN [?].sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id
    LEFT JOIN [?].sys.internal_tables it on p.object_id = it.object_id

    /* unallocated space could not be negative */    SELECT 
         database_name = ''?''
        ,database_size = (@dbsize + @logsize) * 8192 / 1048576
        ,''unallocated space'' = LTRIM(STR((CASE WHEN @dbsize >= @reservedpages THEN (CONVERT (dec (15,2),@dbsize) - CONVERT (DEC (15,2),@reservedpages)) * 8192 / 1048576 ELSE 0 END),15,2))
        ,reserved = LTRIM(STR((@reservedpages * 8192 / 1024.)/1024,15,0))
        ,data = LTRIM(STR((@pages * 8192 / 1024.)/1024,15,0))
        ,index_size = LTRIM(STR(((@usedpages - @pages) * 8192 / 1024.)/1024,15,0))
        ,unused = LTRIM(STR(((@reservedpages - @usedpages) * 8192 / 1024.)/1024,15,0))'

/*Show data*/
FROM DBAControl.[dbo].[DatabaseGrowth]


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