I had recent request for a script to list all the views for a database along with the associated tables the columns depend on. It is a rather simple script but as I have not seen a similar one, I thought I would share it with my fellow dbas. It returns information about views specific to the database it is run in. If any of the view columns are linked to an outside database or server, it may return null data for those fields, as the depend data might not be stored locally in within the database. I have also excluded system views from showing up but should you with to include system views, simply remove "And vObj.category = 0" from the script.
Creating a PDF from a Stored Procedure in SQL Server
A short but interesting article, the author has figured out a way to create a PDF from a stored procedure without using a third party library.
2019-09-20 (first published: 2003-08-26)
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