Use this script to generate individual .sql files for each trigger in your database.
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Use this script to generate individual .sql files for each trigger in your database.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- File Name: Dynamically Output Trigger DDL to a file.sql -- -- Description: Dynamically generates individual Trigger DDL SQL files to a specified folder. -- -- Author: David B. Kranes - Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database Consultant -- -- Date: 2013-11-18 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @trName VARCHAR(50), @trFileLoc VARCHAR(2000), @fileCoptCmd_1 VARCHAR(2000), @fileCoptCmd_2 VARCHAR(2000) DECLARE trigSource_cursor CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY READ_ONLY FOR SELECT FROM sys.objects AS oINNER JOIN sys.syscomments AS c ON o.object_id = WHERE o.type = 'TR' OPEN trigSource_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM trigSource_cursor INTO @trName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @trFileLoc = '<your file location here>' + @trName + '.sql' SET @fileCoptCmd_1 = 'bcp "select c.text FROM sys.objects AS o INNER JOIN sys.syscomments AS c ON o.object_id = WHERE o.type = ''TR'' AND = ' + '''' + @trName + '''' + '" queryout "' SET @fileCoptCmd_2 = @fileCoptCmd_1 + @trFileLoc + '" -t -c -S<server -T -d<your database name here>' EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @fileCoptCmd_2 -- Debug ONLY. Comment out when not using. --PRINT @fileCoptCmd_2 FETCH NEXT FROM trigSource_cursor INTO @trName END CLOSE trigSource_cursor DEALLOCATE trigSource_cursor