Technical Article

Find Nth Occurrence of Character Function V3


In the tradition of best practice & code improvement, a third iteration of a script that finds the Nth occurrence of a Target string within another string (Original author unknown, V2 author vextant).

This version returns zero if an Nth occurrence is not found (similar to V1), but also provides the ability to search the string Right to Left so that you can find the last occurrence, 2nd to last occurrence, etc.
The code has also been simplified.

(It's international Talk Like a Pirate Day today)

Creation Date:Sep2006

Description:Find the Nth Occurrence of a Target string within another string.
This function can search the string from either the left or the right -
i.e. you can find the 3rd occurrence, the 2nd to last occurrence, etc.
If an Nth occurrence is not found, returns zero.

Parameters:- Input(s)
@strTarget- The string to search for
@strSearched- The string being searched
@intOccurrence- The specific occurrence to find:
Positive values search Left-to-Right, Negative values Right-to-Left

- Output(s)
Returns the character position of the @intOccurrence of @strTarget within @strSearched

Usage Example:
SELECT dbo.udfCharIndex2('ow', 'how now brown cow', 3)
returns the location of the third occurrence of 'ow' which is 11
SELECT dbo.udfCharIndex2('ow', 'how now brown cow', -2)
returns the location of the 2nd last occurrence of 'ow' which is 11
SELECT dbo.udfCharIndex2('ow', 'how now brown cow', -1)
returns the location of the last occurrence of 'ow' which is 16
SELECT dbo.udfCharIndex2('ow', 'how now brown cow', 5)
returns 0 since there are not 5 occurrences of 'ow'

Modification History:
3.0Sep2006PiquetSimplified search logic & added Right-to-Left searches for negative @intOccurrence values
*******************************************************************************/CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udfCharIndex2(
@strTarget varchar(8000), 
@strSearched varchar(8000), 
@intOccurrence smallint
) RETURNS smallint AS
DECLARE @intPointer smallint, @intCounter smallint

SELECT@intCounter = 0,
@intPointer = 0

-- If Right2Left search, Reverse the Target & Searched strings
IF @intOccurrence < 0
SELECT @strTarget = Reverse(@strTarget),
@strSearched = Reverse(@strSearched)

WHILE (@intCounter < ABS(@intOccurrence))
SELECT@intPointer = CharIndex(@strTarget, @strSearched, @intPointer + 1),
@intCounter = @intCounter + 1

-- If Target not found, exit loop
IF @intPointer = 0 SET @intCounter = ABS(@intOccurrence)

-- If Right2Left search, map Pointer from reversed strings back to forward strings
IF @intOccurrence < 0 AND @intPointer <> 0 SET @intPointer = DataLength(@strSearched) - @intPointer - DataLength(@strTarget) + 2



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