Viewing 15 topics - 279,796 through 279,810 (of 282,860 total)
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Hi, We've just upgraded our server from NT 4 to Windows 2000 and after that we upgraded SQL Server …
4 replies
Warning...Very new to Sql Server. In Sql Server 7.0 I can no longer view the contents of any tables…
5 replies
I've written a DTS that starts by executing a .bat file. Once every few times it recieves an error…
5 replies
I have a test server that has been upgraded from SQL7 SP3 to SQL2k SP2. This server runs a data war…
4 replies
I have just noticed that a few databases have been created in our new SQL server database. These da…
3 replies
I was really looking for a list of tasks one might perform when maintaining a database. I was hopin…
5 replies
I am running an DTS package to transfer an table from one database to an other. The databases are l…
1 replies
I am running an DTS package to transfer an table from one database to an other. The databases are l…
3 replies
We are using two apps servers that have the client SQL software on them. They are connecting to a c…
5 replies
Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at…
1 replies
Hi all Ive seen a few scripts come through over the years that do rowcounts over the sysobjects and…
1 replies
Hi, Is there a way within the DTS to track who invoke the DTS Pakage?
1 replies
Hi all, The clients are not able to connect to SQL server using TCP/IP.They are able to connect us…
20 replies
I have an Oracle background. I need to do something really quick on a SQL server for a project. Ca…
3 replies
Hello, I would like to take a copy of my database as it is on one server, and copy it to another se…
6 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 279,796 through 279,810 (of 282,860 total)