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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 330 total)

  • RE: Windows 7 + SQL Server 2K8 Expression edition

    I am able to do that before posting here,i failed so i came here to have some help.

  • RE: Windows 7 + SQL Server 2K8 Expression edition


    I tried Installing installer but installer too not getting installed.

    What is the best way to install 2k8 Expression edidtion on Windows 7

    Any links where i can download the software...

  • RE: Windows 7 + SQL Server 2K8 Expression edition

    capn.hector (7/20/2012)

    i would try installing .net 3.5 first before running the 2k8 express installer. im running windows 7 pro with 2k8R2 express installed just fine. works great for...

  • RE: SSMS and SSRS 2008 R2 Excel

    Koen Verbeeck (1/31/2012)

    Which version of Excel does SSRS export to? If 2003, you have the 65536 row limit.

    Using SSMS, in which version of Excel do you copy paste the results?


  • RE: SSIS-Dynamically read data from file and pass it to variable and from that variable to sp


    Thanks for the replay

    This is the file i am having









    USE AdventureWorks


    Create Procedure Sample_ee (@hiredate Smallint,@Country Varchar(50) =null)



    Select ee.EmployeeID,ee.NationalIDNumber,ee.BirthDate,ee.HireDate,

    pa.AddressLine1,ps.Name,pc.Name from HumanResources.Employee as ee

    Join HumanResources.EmployeeAddress as ea...

  • RE: Removing duplicate records from a table

    Rob Schripsema (5/26/2011)

    And delete the duplicates like this:

    ;with IDList as

    (select uniqueid,


    over (partition by userid, eventid order by intrested desc, uniqueid) as rn

    from tableduplicate)

    delete from...

  • RE: how to query a table via its id

    Have a look on this,

    use master

    Select * from sys.sysobjects where xtype='u' order by id


    declare @Name varchar(100)

    Select @Name=Object_Name(1131151075)

    exec ('Select * from '+@Name)

    -- Select * from spt_values


  • RE: what is the Perfect join for this tables output?

    First Why you need two NULL's

    Why there only one column in table 2

    What is the excat requirement?

    What you are trying to achive from these.

    Have a clear idea of what...

  • RE: Query to insert MonthID in a table

    Phil Parkin (5/4/2011)

    parthi-1705 (5/4/2011)

    Hi is this what you needed


    Hmm, I don't agree - drew.allen's post describes what is needed IMO.

    Im Humm..

    What is wrong with the above code i have...

  • RE: Query to insert MonthID in a table

    Hi is this what you needed

    declare @Temp table(MonthID int, Month_Execution varchar(25) ,UpdatetimeStamp date)

    insert @Temp values

    (201004, 'April','4/30/2010'),

    (201005, 'June', '6/08/2010'),

    (201006, 'June', '6/25/2010'),

    (201007, 'July', '7/30/2010'),

    (201008, 'Aug', '8/29/2010'),

    (201009, 'Sep', '9/10/2010'),

    (201010, 'Oct', '10/31/2010'),


  • RE: Why @@MAX_CONNECTIONS is Nondeterministic Functions

    Thanks for that point.I am wondering i missed that line.:-D 😀 .I just have glance on Deterministic and Nondeterministic Functions there i suddenly found that @@Max_Connections as NonDeterministic Functions and...

  • RE: Why @@MAX_CONNECTIONS is Nondeterministic Functions

    If so then we can change the default language also which is @@LANGUAGE ,if we run this it will return as us_english or what ever it has been configured,if so...

  • RE: sql count

    usharani.t (5/3/2011)

    am not able to changa stored procedure ya i want to write code in rdlc expression only

    Can you post Sp?

  • RE: sql count

    Are you looking like this

    declare @month table(ScheduleDate date,ModaltyID int)

    insert into @month

    select '01/01/2011',1 union all

    select '01/15/2011',1 union all

    select '01/28/2011',1 union all

    select '02/10/2011',6 union all

    select '03/15/2011',7 union all

    select '03/28/2011',5 union all


  • RE: Sql Inert

    You can also use system table to get this

    DECLARE @StartYear INT

    ,@EndYear INT;

    SET @StartYear = 2010

    SET @EndYear...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 330 total)