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I know there are details regarding sizing SQL Server but would like to know if there is any informa…
1 replies
Can you recommend a program, or other means, to generate lots of DB test data (e.g. 10GB) for perfo…
3 replies
I have been monitoring the procedure cache on my SQL 2000 DB. It is an Ecommerce DB. The procedure …
7 replies
Hello all. (I'm not sure that my message is convinient for this forum, but i don't know where else …
3 replies
How do I clear the procedure cache? dbcc freeproccache (undocumented) - Removes all elements from t…
1 replies
Have just started doing some performance monitoring using the profiler tool. Each time a sp is call…
10 replies
My processors on one server are avg 85+ utilization. I am in the process of trouble shooting this t…
3 replies
I'm trying to find any information about SQLSERVER 6.5 running on an Octoprocessor. It seems that t…
8 replies
We are on SS2K. In errorlog we are gettinig "This SQL Server has been optimized for 8 concurrent qu…
6 replies
Has anyone used pintable before? what was the result? thanks
3 replies
Hi all Just finished working out a problem (well, probably not a problem as such) with views. One o…
1 replies
Hi all Ive spent some time buggering around with profiler under ss2k EE. Basically I only want to …
2 replies
Prior to version 7 you could specify that tempdb resides in ram. This feature has been taken away …
7 replies
I'm trying to keep a full text catalog constantly updated using change_tracking, and background_upd…
2 replies
Don't know if I am missing something. I have just returned from a training class on optimizing SQL…
5 replies
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