SQLServerCentral Editorial

Security Bug or Handy Feature


There are plenty of times that I want to share something with another person. This could be a link, a slice of data, or maybe the view of some page I've seen. Many applications make this easy, either on the Internet, or inside a company in Slack or Teams.

However, there are lots of times that I might want to share some data publicly, allowing anyone to get to it. That's a place where no shortage of data breaches have taken place, a problem we still grapple with today. It's not a "make-a-decision-once" problem either. I could set up some data for access to specific people using permissions. Then someone later changes to anonymous public access, mistaking some dataset that is sensitive for one that can be exposed. Likewise, I could have a dataset that I have set to be publicly available change, with sensitive data added later. The individuals adding the data might not be aware that this particular set is being shared without any controls.

I ran across this piece about PowerApps, noting that datasets can be configured for anonymous access if a list doesn't have table permissions enabled. That's an issue, as often enabling something looks like work. Many people often seek to avoid work and just complete a task as quickly and easily as possible. In many cases, they may not bother with enabling table permissions. Fortunately Microsoft later enabled permissions by default, but there are still cases of data owners exposing sensitive data.

Misconfiguring access is a big problem overall, and the best solution I see is to ensure data is classified and tagged. We can then build applications that have policies set on the way they handle data. If data were classified as PII or sensitive, then an app (like Power Apps), could refuse to allow anonymous access to be configured. Classifying data, however, is a tedious, boring, awful job. Even if this is easy to do across time, it's not a job anyone wants. However, this is part of the data lifecycle, and I don't know that we will get better data security and limit the exposure of data until we have a way to easily classify and tag data that allows applications to make decisions on how to use this data.

My employer makes a product to help here, and I've been pleasantly surprised that more and more customers are looking at doing this. However, we then need to ensure that applications can use these classifications  in an actionable way to protect data.

Microsoft has talked about enhancing that the TDS protocol and their software to read and use read classification data, which is lightly gathered in SQL Server. They have a Purview product, which also helps, but the best solution, in my mind, is an open API. This would allow for connections to any classification service. Developers and admins could submit classifications for database structures or even files in real time (and hopefully programmatically). Applications could access this data and then determine what controls should be applied. Ideally, they would also refuse access if data wasn't classified.

I don't know that we'll get here, but I do see some movement from a variety of vendors here, usually limited to the database space. Hopefully this will continue to grow over time and prevent some of the silly data breaches we have where someone mis-configures a data store and allows anyone to access it.


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