SQLServerCentral Editorial

Good Morning!


Good Morning!

Every day I’ve been at work since March 27th, I’ve posted a “Good morning” tweet. In every one, I tried to provide a piece of positivity. A little something to help people at the start of the day (yeah, I know, time zones). They run the gamut from “Let’s be kind” to explanations of Chesterton’s Fence.


First of all, why would anyone listen to me? Honestly, I don’t know. I just thought it might help. I’m certainly no one special. I don’t hold Tony Robbins seminars or anything. I’m just some guy on the internet.

Being a more than slightly broken human, I’ve studied quite a bit on how to be a little less broken. I recognize that my own shortcomings have hurt people around me and sometimes limited my ability to do well. So, in the same way that I try to teach others about technology, partly based on the errors I’ve made, I try to help others be positive and find that inner fire to get things done.

That’s it. I’m just trying to, in my own small way, pitch in a little and help out.

My suggestion to you: do the same. Helping others is a reward in itself. However, helping others brings with it positive feelings that can help lead you to a healthier and happier place in general. Where and how you help is entirely up to you. I do however encourage it. Get engaged somewhere and pitch in. You’ll be doing good in the world, and you’ll be lifting yourself up at the same time. Neither of those things can be bad.


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