

Microsoft finally adds Tenant Switcher for Fabric / Power BI


Praise whatever deity you believe in, because it’s finally here, a tenant switcher for...

Microsoft Releases Windows 11 ARM ISO – A Game Changer for ARM-Powered Devices


Yesterday, Microsoft released the highly anticipated Windows 11 ARM ISO image, marking a major...

Building Effective Data Governance Framework: Top Areas to Focus On


The post Building Effective Data Governance Framework: Top Areas to Focus On appeared first...

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Pull mssql to Postgres

By Bruin

Does anyone have a script\example that would connect to SQL server instance run a...

Fill in missing hours for each VisitID during the day

By NineIron

create table #T ( VisitID varchar(30), ER_Date date, HR int ) insert into #T(VisitID,...

Database copy for report work load

By ashrukpm

Hi Team, I am looking for a an help, Please see my problem below....

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Question of the Day

The Hash Join I

What are the two inputs called to a hash join operation in SQL Server? (choose 2)

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