SQL Server security

Technical Article

Introduction to SQL Server Security — Part 4

  • DatabaseWeekly

The sa account is the most powerful account in a SQL Server instance, and most DBAs disable it. There are several other built-in accounts that you may not think about that often. Robert Sheldon continues his SQL Server security series with an article about built-in accounts.

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External Article

Introduction to SQL Server Security — Part 1

  • Article

Security is often considered the most important of a database administrator's responsibilities. SQL Server has many powerful features for security and protecting data, but planning and effort are required to properly implement them. In this article, the first of a series, Robert Sheldon reviews the many components available to secure and protect SQL Server databases.


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External Article

Questions About SQL Server Security and Access Control You Were Too Shy to Ask

  • Article

For many developers, database security and Access control is just something that gets in the way of development work. However, several recent security breaches have had devastating consequences and have caused a change in attitude about the value to any organisation of having database applications that meet industry standards for access control and security. The problem, however is in admitting that you have a problem and finding answers to those problems you are just too shy to ask in public.


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Escaping Like I

I have this data in a SQL Server 2022 table:

1The \%ChampActive
2The ChampActive
How many rows are returned by this code in SQL Server 2022?
select PlayerName from player
where playername like 'The\_C%' escape '\'

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