dba skills

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How DBAs Can Adopt the Craftsman Mindset

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The job of a DBA requires a fusion of skill and knowledge. To acquire this requires a craftsman mindset. Craftsmen find that the better they get at the work, the more enjoyable the work gets, and the more successful they become. Deliberate practice, Specialization and an appetite for overcoming difficulty are good habits to deliberately adopt to successfully grow those craftsmanlike skills to the point that you become “so good they can’t ignore you”.


9,586 reads

External Article

Database Administration as a Service

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A DBA should provide two things, a service and leadership. For Grant Fritchey, it was whilst serving a role in the Scouts of America that he had his epiphany. Creative chaos and energy, if tactfully harnessed and directed, led to effective ways to perform team-based tasks. Then he wondered why these skills couldn't be applied to the workplace. Are we DBAs doing it wrong in the way we interact with our co-workers?


4,071 reads


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SQL Server Cross Platform Availability Groups and Kubernetes


Say we have a database that we want to migrate a copy of into...

Using Managed Identities with Azure SQL DB


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We Stink!

By Grant Fritchey

Comments posted to this topic are about the item We Stink!

View works for me ...but doesn't return results for a user in SSMS but no errors

By krypto69

Hi I have this view to check if a job is running:   SELECT...

Dark mode, other color schemes

By mjdemaris

All, if you are like me and do not care for the built-in color...

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Internal Checkpoints

Certain internal SQL Server actions cause internal checkpoints. Which of these actions does not cause an internal checkpoint?

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