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Had an interesting debate with Andy Warren on the tuning editorial today. I'm not sure we agree completely, but it's always good to debate things.

Steve McConnell has lived an interesting career with regards to software and while I'm not sure he's always right, he has thought about it and I think his ideas and thoughts are worth considering and thinking about. Experience plays a big factor in how we view the world and remember that it often helps to view someone else's experience.

We also debated the DBA v Developer issues, which I think are huge. We haven't bridged the gap well and I'm not sure how to do it. Developers are smart people and usually want to get work done. DBAs want to maintain control because often we're the scape goats when something doesn't work. Even if we show that developers have written poor code, we still have to take the blame, or at least that's what I've often noticed.

The gap needs to be bridged, with education for developers, less control for DBAs, and better communication all around.

We also need to put out more models that people can examine. Too often I see poor data models given with sample applications and it's rare I get good db modeling articles written. Why is that? Is it that we all think our problems are too easy?

I wonder.


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