Blog Post

SQL Saturday NYC


I excited to say that PASS SQL Saturday NYC is back on the schedule and will be May 30, 2015 at the Microsoft Times Square office.  It is something that we have been talking about for some time now at the NJSSUG.  It took some time to get the right people together and I have to thank Robert Pearl, Simon Facer, Erik Darling, Karla Landrum, Alec Lazarescu and Michael Wells.  

If you haven’t attended a SQL Saturday before then come on out and join us for a free day of Training, Networking and the all important #SQLFamily.  I encourage everyone to register to attend and if you want to speak here is the Call For Speakers Link.  Stay tuned for more announcements on speakers and possible Pre-Cons.   If anyone has any topics that they would like to see at a pre-con please contact myself at or Robert Pearl at


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